morning caress

Got the link above as a suggestion from the NoFap community



For my girlfriend

Yes I can

1. Yes I will give Saining the best sex ever. I will fuck her, penetrate her, orgasm her, and myself to the best of our life;

2. I will succeed in my work, publish articles, and become the best in the group, then find a higher horizon with so much more opportunities

3. I will get my green card and frequently fly to China as I want to

I will



加上diet coke的影响,导致尿频。






no fap post

Hi, I got ED and have been trying to do NoFap to cure it. I am able to get good erection with porn but not with my girlfriend. After about 2 weeks we tried last night, but no success. I am very frustrated. I just want to know whether there is anything else I can do to improve.

I got strong morning woods nowadays, which is good due to NoFap. The fantasy I had during the day is all about my real-life girlfriend, which is also good. I think two possible reasons that led to my failure last night is:

1. Diet coke. I don’t know whether it is just me, but I got frequent urination when I drink a bottle. That might decreased my sensitivity?

2. Not relaxing enough. Of cause I have performance anxiety, but I don’t feel like I can barely breeze. Any technique can help relaxing?

Can you give some advice?

auto segguestion

1. I am fortunate enough that before my 40s I came to know that my subconsious mind can be affected. I will try to incorporate auto suggestion into this daily routine that I am a capable person

2. I will be very successful, in that gaining happiness, and financial independence.

3. I am grateful that I got morning wood today and I can perform very soon like a real man.

Not so emotional girlfriend

1. My girlfriend is not that emotional. She has her downtimes, but not so much that I have to explain everything in detail to her;

2. I am keeping track of my weight. Although not very successful of controlling it yet, I am surely learning things from it.

3. I have done 1st version 2015 objective well ahead of time. This is a good progress beating procrastination.





A strong morning wood

1. I got a very good and strong morning wood today, indicating my sexual ability is surely recovering;

2. I got my girlfriend totally wet last night;

3. I have a good boss, giving me enough flexibility to do what I think most valuable.